Sunday, 31 January 2010

Essay Proposal

Essay topic:

Media sensationalism: How is fear used by the media?

Main issues addressed:

How do newspapers use fear as a way of gaining some sort of control over audiences?
How reports favour certain members of society and demonize others.
Looking at news coverage from 9/11

Theoretical approaches:

Semiotics, Ideology, Marxism


Stanley Cohen
Noam Chomsky
Jonathan Bignell
Dick Hebdige


Cohen, S. (
1973) 'Folk Devils and Moral Panics: Creation of Mods and Rocker', Location, HarperCollins.
Moores, S. (2000)
'Media and Everyday Life in Modern Society', Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press
Chomsky, N. (1998) 'Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media', Location, Vintage
Bignall, J. (2004) 'Media Semiotics', Location, Manchester University Press

Altheide, D.,Michalowski, R. 'Fear In the News: A Discourse of Control', Arizona
